Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Seattle in June

It's been a while but we finally returned to Seattle for a long weekend with Lauren. What's a trip to Seattle without attempting our own picture of the ever popular skyline taken from the hillside park in Queen Anne. 

Lauren has a Seattle address but actually lives in a little neighborhood called Frement.  It's been said that Fremont is a "funky little town" with some unusual traditions.  Well, the Fremont Fair is a weekend long celebration held around the Summer Solstice (this year, while we were in town) and is no exception to the funky little town theme and most would agree, the Fair has an unusual side to its tradition.  The Fremont Fair is all about celebrating the Summer Solstice and includes the Solstice Parade.  This year, the weather was a little on the better side of usual and the crowds and participants came all out to celebrate good weather fortunes.  The parade starts out with bicycle riders (young and old, large and small) and is followed by a variety of groups and organizations.  The following attempts to capture the festive nature of the event...

Creative and fun

Too much body paint??  Don't think so..

And you thought the Rubik's Cube was a forgotten past time.

All should find comfort in knowing "Dudley Do-Right to the rescue" (on roller blades) is soundly in charge of crowd control.  Funny to see him without his horse, Horse..  Oh wait, I think I saw Horse later in the parade..

I think the tattoos are real

Do you have one growing in your garden?

As previously stated, young and old, large and small.

No words required

Formal attire?

Love the hair

I think she's looking for Dorothy

Wrong side of the boarder....  But then again, that's Dudley Do-Right and his horsse, Horse, to the rescue..

And now, the Master of Ceremony's


Great colors!

Beads anyone?

They make walking look easy

You are correct, these are all "guys"

He was very graceful and beautiful

What can I say?

A dragon made of plastic bags and bottles depicting what the average US resident uses and disposes of each year.

Some 'spegeheti guy' the kids all loved.

And so, the Fremont Fair and Summer Solstice Parade was once again a great success.  The crowds were festive and lots of fun was had by all in attendance.

The following is a home in Fremont but it could be any where in the Seattle area.  Most homes are built on a hillside and many have wonderful flower and rock gardens.

As we were walking away from the parade, captures the hillside element of the region.

The following series of pictures were taken in the Queen Anne neighborhood.  Generally, the neighborhood overlooks the Seattle skyline and the Puget Sound. The homes are 'up scale' where the poor folk live...   

Looking westward over the Puget Sound.  See the following picture for the name of this beautiful place.

For my work friends why knew and loved Bettye.

A glimpse of how the poor folk of Queen Anne live.

Their view is the Puget Sound

Notice the garage, located at street level.

So, Dan and I have spent many years watching our girls play sports.  For our fellow parents, the joy of watching them play continues into their adult hood.  We've gone from volleyball to ultimate Frisbee.

Nick, warming up?

Team building with a pep talk from the captain (hands on his hips) and a little 'back stabbing' from Aaron.

Lauren and her room mate, Sachi.

Sachi just got a major face licking from this very friendly dog.
The picture is actually the score board.  The score is kept by placing shoes on either side of the 'disk'.  Horizontal = 5 points and forward pointing = 1 point.  So, the score is 3 to 5, I think..

Nick and Lauren, a brief moment of support.

And, I think Nick is saying, "Go Groove".

Finally, a couple of pictures to prove Dan and I actually were there. 

Finally, it's been 8 years since we lost our beautiful Courtney.  This year, we were fortunate and spent the anniversary with Lauren.  The following picture was taken the 16th on Lauren's porch; a beautiful double rainbow with but one element capture in this picture.  The anniversary is always sad and we greatly appreciate what we still have...  Love and miss Courtney terribly and love spending this time with our beautiful Littlebird....
Courtney smiles upon us..

Share a smile..

Share a smile with a stranger; bet they'll smile back...

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