Saturday, September 21, 2013

2013 Adventure Preface / June in Vermont

For those who haven’t heard, we’ve purchased Pop Up Trailer, fondly referred to as PUT.  With this new purchase, we begin our 2013 adventure, a cross-country road trip from Virginia to Washington.

Travel began in Vermont with PUT’s maiden voyage.  Following the addition of air shocks to the Sienna, we’re ready for the great open spaces between Virginia and Washington.  Hope you enjoy our experience…

June in Vermont

Summer in Vermont is always a special time and this year we had the opportunity to share some of Vermont with Lauren and Nick.  It’s always good to spend time with family and friends.
Pop Up Trailer, fondly referred to as PUT

Lauren & Nick
Mary (Dan's sister) and Bill

Dan's sister, Diane

Dog fishing in Grand Isle

Dan's dad

Vacation buddies, Chris & Sue

Gisele (Suzanne's sister) and Steve

Nephew Nick

Good friend, Jim

Good friend, Linda

Lauren with her grand parents

Lauren with Great Grandma who turned 100 years this past January... 

Watching a storm come in

Storm over the pond

Tiger lilies near the pond

Girls having fun on the pond

Lauren and Nathan (cousin)

St Agnes Church, Lester Junction (Vermont).  The little church Suzanne attended as a child.

Tom preparing his home made pizza oven for a dinner with friends.

Robert Todd Lincoln home in Manchester

Beautiful Vermont

Dan pondering...

January thru June 2013

It’s been a while since we’ve posted but that’s not due to inactivity.  This post summarizes some of our activities for the first half of 2013.  It’s been a busy year…

Gramma’s 100th Birthday Party held in Vermont on January 20th.  All who could attend gathered to celebrate this great lady’s 100th Birthday.  Yes, Gramma is as good as she looks.

Dan and Gramma

From left to right, siblings Diane, Mary Sue, Dan and Randy

Left to right, Howard (son) Eleanor (daughter) Leonne (married to Howard) Donnie (married to Shirley) Shirley (daughter)

In February, we were off to Philly to tour the historic district.

Great events occurred in this room

With February comes a day of memories.  This year, Courtney would have celebrated her 25th birthday on the 17th.  We can't allow this memorable day to pass without honoring her memory.

Courtney, Chris & Lauren

Just a little sassie

Courtney's favorite color, yellow.  Roses from a wonderful friend to honor Courtney's birthday.
In late February and early March, we were off to Washington State’s Cascade Mountains for a ski outing with our vacation buddy, Chris and his son Zach.  This included collecting Lauren and Nick for a couple of days at Steven’s Pass before we set off to Chrystal Mountain.
Suzanne, Nick, Lauren and Dan - Steven's Pass

Chris, Zach & Dan - Steven's Pass

Chris, Suzanne (just so you know I also went on this trip) & Dan - Steven's Pass

View of the Olympic Mountains

Navy Museum

Chris, top of Chrystal Mountain.  Mount Rainier in the background.  Chris at 7K+ feet, Mt Rainier at 14K+ feet.

Spring time in Virginia is always a favorite.  This year, we hosted my brother and his daughter for a few days followed by a couple of Dan’s college friends.
Rene's first trip to DC

Yvon & Rene

Great timing, blossoms in full bloom

Yes, I did take this picture

And this one too

Ric and Kate (old friends from college)

This picture is so cool.  Not everyone knows what this is..  Do you?

Color coordinated with nature

One of the great joys we share with people is the marriage of a loving couple.  Courtney’s best friend, Morgan, married a wonderful young man in May.  We were very fortunate to be included in this joyous occasion.  Love our “little red haired girl”.

Mike & Morgan

A very beautiful bride

The beginning of a future