Monday, April 1, 2013

2012 - It's a wrap

Every year, good friends of ours hold a fund raiser in support of pulmonary hypertension, a disease our friend has been diagnosed with.  The fund raiser is always lots of fun and is "wine based".   The following are pictures taken of the Host's private cellar..  

Lots of homework and love goes into a wine room such as this..

With the approaching winter, Dan and I decided to take a trip to Florida and Key West.  On route, we spent a little time my sister and her husband as well as Dan's Uncle Howard and Aunt Leonne.  Played a little golf, met the neighbors and had an opportunity for some excellent "one-on-one" time with some wonderful people.

Uncle Howard & Aunt Leonne

And, Key West.. I'll take the one with the blue shutters.

Key West

What's a trip to Key West without going to Ernest's home. 

View of the foyer
 Ernest spent some of every day writing in his office, generally in the morning.

Ernest Hemingway's office
 In Key West, our hotel was located at the south and east end of town.  Each evening, we would walk approximately one mile to the sunset side of the island for dinner and live entertainment.  Yes, every once in a while, Dan would have to wait for me..

Looks like he should have a cigar and drink in hand..

Pirates, pirates, everywhere pirates.  An annual Pirates gathering.

 One of our great joys is having Lauren home for Christmas, this year being no different. 

Lauren & Dan


Nathan (cousin) and Lauren

Annual picture

And a view of our dining room..
2012 has been a good year for our adventure.  What lies ahead is a busy winter season and then...  Stay tuned..